Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Florida Files Lawsuit Against BP

Florida is the latest state to file a lawsuit against BP; $1 billion is sought for damages to tourism industry

By Nicholas Moroni

Florida plans to file suit against BP in response to damages suffered by the tourism industry, Bloomberg Business Week reported today.

According to the publication, Florida plans to seek $1 billion in reparations for a loss in revenue due to alleged stigamtization the entire state experienced (including regions away from the Gulf of Mexico). A steep decline in tax revenue is also believed to be part of the state's incentive in pursuing a suit against the London-based company.

"We're hoping that rather than jobs lost and[/]or services to Floridians being lost, that we can develop some type of dialogue to get interim relief," Steve Yarrid, a Tampa Bay lawyer appointed by Florida governor Charlie Christ to oversee legal issues surrounding the spill, told Bloomberg.

Florida would not be the first state pursuing litigation: Alabama and Mississippi have turned to federal courts to seek reparations, as well.

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